Christmas Kindness: a Story

bag of gold small

Image futzed with using a photo by JWP.

Like the best stories, this one begins, once upon a time . . . .

There was a father, a mother, and a baby boy who was born in the dead of winter on a very cold day.  (I should warn you that if you think you know where this story is going, you are wrong.  This is not THAT Christmas story.  This is a different story entirely.)

The father and mother had little money, but they had a warm home, and their boy was exceedingly healthy, so they believed they had exactly what they needed.  The father worked at building machines and the mother worked at building the boy.  The boy was full of light and laughter and curiosity.  He had a mischievous sense of humor, a powerful imagination, and above all, he was persistent.  (A quality some people call stubborn, but those people are wrong.)

Years passed as years do.  The boy grew and grew.  People began to ask – what do you want to do with your life, boy?  What would you like to be?  But the boy didn’t know, for he was still a boy (albeit taller).  His parents said, be happy.  And he was.

The boy grew a little older, a little taller still.  He went to college and his head filled up with words and ideas; his heart filled with passion.  One morning he awoke to find that it was time to graduate.  A degree was bestowed upon him and there was much rejoicing by his family and his friends.

He found a job that he liked very much, but it was temporary.  He could have worried about what he would do when the job ended, but he chose to remain positive as he had always been, and to do and learn all that he could.  Happily, this strategy paid off.  The job became permanent.  (It’s called persistence, people.)

Christmas came.  The boy got his first Christmas bonus.  But this was no ordinary bonus.  This was merry Mr. Fezziwig extending joy and Christmas kindness.  This was a bag of gold coins.  So happy was the boy at this surprising presentation, that he laughed for a full minute.  The kind of sustained laugh his mother had marveled at throughout his childhood.  A laugh that began in his heart and rippled through his body until he looked ready to burst with the energy of it.

When he stopped laughing the boy knew what he would do.  He would carry the bonus around the city and give it away, coin by coin, to people who could use a dollar or two and a happy surprise.  So that he could share with others a moment of joy like the one he had felt in receiving the coins.

And that is exactly what he did.

Not The End

P.S.  If you like this story, feel free to share a kindness or two with someone, anyone, even by way of a smile.  It will make you feel good.  I promise.

P.P.S. This story was written for The BOY by his mother who is proud beyond measure of the superlative person he has become.  And also the mother is a tiny bit smug because she knew what his true worth was all along.  (She hopes to be forgiven of this.)

45 thoughts on “Christmas Kindness: a Story

  1. Mary – thank you for writing this and sharing it. What a wonderful Christmas story full of hope and energy. May the boy continue to be successful adn continue giving back and paying it forward.


  2. I don’t know, Mary. I’m thinking maybe this is THAT Christmas story, or more aptly, a contemporized variation thereof. Your Boy was born — and bred — to produce and promulgate wonders. Which means Mom needs be forgiven nothing at all. It’s not smug to feel a bit of maternal pride. Seems to me you’re entitled.


    • When I started to write the story, I thought right away about the father and mother and baby being born in winter and remembering how little we had – how much it was sounding like THE Christmas story, and yet, I completely forgot that my name is also Mary!! At any rate, thank you for your kind and generous words.


  3. I just love this! What a great story! I’ve always liked the idea of leaving little bits of money lying around for people to find. I used to leave my change in the vending machine at work, in fact, because I figured the next person would be excited to see it in there. Found money is always wonderful, even if it’s just a small amount.

    What a kind-hearted son you have – I can tell he has a most excellent mother! 🙂


    • Ha! Great idea to leave change in the vending machine. When he was a kid, my son couldn’t pass a vending machine without sticking his finger in the coin return to see if someone had done just that. He was thrilled if he found a coin. Maybe that’s how the seed to give his bonus away was planted in the first place! By the way, that little bag in the picture contains 100 dollar coins. His employer is a very kind person to begin with – you see how kindness ripples out?!! It’s great! 😀


    • Oh, you’re so sweet! Thank you for saying such nice things. As far as parenting goes, so much of it is flying by the seat of our pants, fingers and toes crossed that something we did will work out. Some of it is luck.


  4. Hi Mary,

    This was delightful.

    As a young man, I lived the tale of your son’s persistence. I worked diligently at my first assignment, only to be surprised with a permanent job offer when the original six-month term expired. Persistence does pay off.

    Your son’s generosity with his first bonus should be the source of a tiny bit of smugness on your part. Go ahead and hold your head up just a wee bit higher. There’s nothing to forgive. I’m happy for all three of you.


    • Thanks, Ray. Yes, there is much to be said about persistence, an excellent quality to have. And persistence with kindness = a good human being. My son is an inspiration to me, which is the best kind of turnaround, I think. Thank you so much for stopping by!


  5. I love this story. OK, partly because our son is newly graduated, in a temporary job, and learned yesterday that the company has decided to hire him on. (Phew) Would he give away a bag of gold?? I hope. You must be so proud. Congratulations and happy 2012 (here courtesy of Susie).


  6. Was sent from Susie’s party. It’s so great to hear that there are still people who haven’t lost the generosity of heart and spirit and who understands that the true joy is in the giving… What a heart warming story to share!


    • Thank you, Kitt. My son felt a little weird about my sharing it, but his act of kindness gave his father and me such a boost, I figured I had to share it. At a time when news media is focusing on the awful things that people do, it’s more important than ever to hear that there is generosity of spirit out there as well. Thanks for coming over from Susie’s party!


    • I know exactly how you feel, that’s why I posted it. We all need more moments of happiness shared. Love Susie’s parties – I meet so many wonderful people at them. Thanks for stopping by!


  7. Ah, warms the cockles of my heart. Or at least it would if I knew what cockles were. I think I like your son already. Now MY son (no, I’m not competing, not really) was very bright and inquisitive, went to college, then dropped out and got himself a job at Starbucks. He has been there about ten years now and worked his way up. He is very happy, and has made a lot of friends through work. I am very proud of him because of the man he has become, sensitive, loving, caring. I’m sure his mother is, too, though she has quite a different way of showing it- always complaining about his career choice. But the kid is happy. As is yours. I think that is one of the primary concerns for our children- along with health! Take care!


    • Actually, Paul, cockles are small clams. When you heat them in hot water they open up – hence the expression. 🙂
      Your son sounds like a good man. He is happy and loving and caring, and that is, indeed, what counts. I’m glad you found your way here from Susie’s. It’s nice to meet you!


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