Weekly Photo Challenge: Family

Feet with purple toenails pm 4

I like these weekly photo challenges.  They’re quick, I can get on and get off, and still feel like I’m not spending quite so much time on the internet.  Plus, they give me a new way of looking at a word.  Today’s word is family.  A word, which for me, is sometimes so fraught with drama I want to run away and hide, or talk some kind person into adopting me.  And yet, I know that my family of origin loves me no matter what, as I do them.

But family is such an expansive word, and when I read the challenge I thought of this photo, taken at least a decade ago.  Because sometimes family is also a word for the friends who will get up before dawn and ride an hour-and-a-half just to stand beside you to watch the sun rise over Walden Pond.

13 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Family

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Family | Shaking the tree

  2. Great photo – too often we see what is in front of us and not what grounds us and keeps us together – a sense of belonging, sometimes mired in mud, or enjoying a moment together…… Lovely thought to begin the day (for me)


  3. I’ve never been to Walden Pond. I must put that on my places to go list. You’ve captured such a lovely mood in this photo. You’re so right – family is not only something we’re born into. “They” say you can’t choose your family, but in that larger sense, we can indeed!


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