Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned

The Naked Cowboy at Times Square.

The Naked Cowboy at Times Square.

Maybe it’s the long, frigid winter or the fact that I have been feeling under the weather for awhile, but when I saw today’s Photo Challenge I thought of Dante and the gate of Hell.  Specifically the inscription on said gate.

Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

I looked through my photo files to find something that would fit the theme. This is what jumped out at me.  It made me think of an entirely different sign than Dante’s.

Abandoned here:  My dignity.  Feel free to join me for a buck.


29 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned

    • Yeah, those girls were having a good time. I was hanging around Times Square with my husband and son, people watching. We’d heard about the “Cowboy” but hadn’t seen him before. Then, all of sudden, I turned around and there he was. I had a telephoto lens, I wasn’t as close to him as it seems in the picture.

      Seems like a hard way to make a living. 🙂


    • Yes, and he was totally wearing boots, too! Speaking of advertising, he not only made money from people paying to have their pictures taken with him, his guitar (which was string-less) was plastered with advertising from local shops.


  1. Pingback: Not everything is sonnet 116. | The Bohemian Rock Star's "Untitled Project"

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : (not) Abondaned | ISENGRAPHER™

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned (Dune) | What's (in) the picture?

  4. What a crock! He isn’t naked! He’s got on more clothes than most people wear at the beach these days! Or more than a lot of Victoria’s Secret models! Can you imagine how our grandparents would feel about today’s freewheeling culture? They were shocked by flappers’ styles in the ’20s! (Should we freeze him in Lake Cocytus, Mary, or stick him in Satan’s mouth? LOL Actually, Dante put the sexual sinners only in the top level of Hell. It was the traitors that he assigned to the depths.)


    • It’s interesting that Dante saw gluttony as a bigger sin than sexual sinners. I suspect he had his reasons. A pinprick of guilt perhaps? I wonder what the flappers of the ’20’s would think about the Victoria’s Secret commercials?


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned | A mom's blog

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned | Memory Catcher

  7. I’ll give the guy this much. Wearing tighty whities isn’t something I would entertain behind closed doors, much less in Times Square. Boxers….yeah, I could do boxers in Times Square. But no Cowboy hat. That would be silly…..


    • I don’t think it mattered whether he could sing or not, his guitar didn’t have strings anyway. If you ever decide to make a trip to NYC, I’ll meet you at Times Square and take your picture with him. 🙂


  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Abandoned | Joe's Musings

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Humbly Abandoned | Humbled Pie

  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: More Abandoned | Humbled Pie

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