What the Heart Wants

stone heart 2

“The heart wants what it wants . . . .”

     ~ Emily Dickinson

The heart wants blood & proper plumbing
un-clogged arteries
electricity thrumming
a steady rhythm.

It’s a muscle
after all
little mouse of soft tissue
no bigger than a fist
wanting us to eschew
the fat
to move ourselves
in vigorous exercise
to breath deeply
of clean air.

A heart cannot live
on metaphors
that speak 
of love
and longing
words best left
to poets
& to time.

Lapping the Miles

My husband and I drove some 450 miles over Mother’s Day weekend.  We spent time with family, laughed a lot, and enjoyed listening to live music.  I drank just enough wine to induce me to sing.  The weather was sublime.  As we were homeward bound, the late afternoon sun and unending highway made me think of this:

I like to see it lap the Miles/ And lick the Valleys up

Emily Dickinson was writing about a train, but hunched low in my seat, staring over the dashboard at the road ahead, it looked exactly as though our car was lapping up the miles.  So I pointed my camera and snapped some pictures.

I wonder if Miss Dickinson would agree.